понедельник, 10 октября 2016 г.

email 2

10 october 2016
Dear Kostya,
Hi!How are you?Sorry for not writing for so long.I wanted to drop you a qick line to to tell you about my sister`s job.
Her name is Julia.She`s working in the business house.She is business-woman,she working with computer.Her task write big text later she show her next to new project she like this.She work at all weekdays.She goes to work at nine o clock and she goes to house at six o clock.At first day she works with computer to show her knowledge.She likes her first day.She buy iphone,ipad,tv and dog. she wants buy lamborghini,helicopter,plane,tank and big house.She like her job because she earned so much money.I was in her job and working with my sister.

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