воскресенье, 18 декабря 2016 г.

my family

19 december

dear turtle,
I hope you`re ok.Now I talk you about My family.
My family is great.In my family I has got a brother he is four years old he goes to kiddengarden.In my family I has got a mother and father mofather is awesome she is 33 

воскресенье, 11 декабря 2016 г.

~~~~~~~an email giving news~~~~~~~~

 december 12

dear carrot,
Thank you for your letter!!!!!!
Hi!I`m glad your`e ok!Everething`s good here.I`ve only got good news to tell you.
Mum`s got a new job.She work`s as a boss at the reastaurant.She duty is a look at the workers.She ride to the shops to buy a food to the restaurant.She gets up at the 8 o clock.She loves her job.
My father`s job is boss.He gets up at 11 o clock.He works at computer and work trip.He like his job but he has company who do a attachment.
Sorry i must go now!
your`s Dima
Write to me email please!

воскресенье, 27 ноября 2016 г.

My favourite room

Hi!Now I talk you  about my favorite room.In my room I have wardrobe it`s white. I have green closet.I have 2 bed`s I have my bed but my brother has bed too I sleep at up bed but my brother sleep at down bed.In my room I have computer and lamp.I have bookcase at my bed.I have TV.It`s my room.
Thank you !

воскресенье, 20 ноября 2016 г.

email about my new house

21 November

dear Egor,
How are you? Thank you for your latter!Now I talk about my new house.In my house nine rooms they are:bathroom,kitchen,livingroom,my room, brother room,mother room,father room,room for minecraft,room for guests.My favourite room is my room!My house is in baker`s street.In my room i have wardrobe,TV,bed,guns and washing machine.In room for minecraft we have playstation,minecraft sofa,minecraft wall,minecraft computer and minecraft bed.My second favorite room i have table,chair,food and cupboard.Sorry I must go now.Your Dima

вторник, 25 октября 2016 г.

Inviting a friend

26 october 2016
Dear Semen,
Thank you for letter.
I am planning a surprise birthday party for a friend who is sad. I Invite you to this party. Please bring cola,sprite,chips and sweet marmelade.We go to the party at four o clock.You should bring scary customes and masks.I want to scare him and make a hallowen party.
Sorry, I must go now
best wishes,
yours Dima

26 october 2016
Dear Egor
Thank you for letter

понедельник, 10 октября 2016 г.

email 2

10 october 2016
Dear Kostya,
Hi!How are you?Sorry for not writing for so long.I wanted to drop you a qick line to to tell you about my sister`s job.
Her name is Julia.She`s working in the business house.She is business-woman,she working with computer.Her task write big text later she show her next to new project she like this.She work at all weekdays.She goes to work at nine o clock and she goes to house at six o clock.At first day she works with computer to show her knowledge.She likes her first day.She buy iphone,ipad,tv and dog. she wants buy lamborghini,helicopter,plane,tank and big house.She like her job because she earned so much money.I was in her job and working with my sister.

понедельник, 3 октября 2016 г.

dear martyn

3 October

Hi!My name is Dima and i`m from Chelyabinsk,Russia.It`s a really bad city on the whole Earth.I`m 11 years old and I`m a student.

I`m good at video games.I have got a lot of games.My favourite sports are football,snowboarding,skating,kick scootering,swiming and boxing.My favourite sportsman is Ryan Williams.He`s so good!

Картинки по запросу ryan williamsWhereyou now?How are you?What you doing?Sorry,I must go now.

best wishes

понедельник, 19 сентября 2016 г.

why do i need English?

Hello my name is Dima im ten years I want to tell you about why do I need English.Reason number  one.-.I want to look some movies in English.Reason number two.-
I want big business in the USA to have so much money and have big house with guardians.Reason number three.-I want  show to world dark side of the USA.Reason number four.-I want to travel in the Europe.It`s my reasons why do i need English,I love English!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Картинки по запросу крутая картинка

понедельник, 12 сентября 2016 г.

personal letter 1

Hello my name is Dima im ten years old.I will tell you about summer.My summer was hot because im flew to the Nice,Sochi and Rostov.I like to the most Nice because we buy big house.In the house pool,kitchen,two livin rooms,five bedrooms,six bathrooms,four flours and football lawn.We rode to the aquapark but its FAIL. We rode to the castle.
Картинки по запросу smile

вторник, 6 сентября 2016 г.

my summer holidays

dear Semen,

How are you?Sorry for not writing for so long.Im doing my home task.I wanted to drop you a quick line to tell you about my sunny holidays.In the august im went to the Nice with my brother and my mother and father.We took a car and rode to the hills.We took a villa.In the villa we had a pool three bathroom

среда, 24 февраля 2016 г.

cook pasta


I need some things to make a pasta
We ve got any green pepper,but we havent got some pepper.
can you get some?theres some cheesein the fridge,but there isnt some salt.can you get olive oil too please? theres some money on the table.


среда, 20 января 2016 г.

the magic glove

The animals are go to the scarf.
But the scarf is empty.
Animals are penentraded inside.
Oh no it's a dragon his sleeping.
Fox awakended dragon.
Hello my name is Bill im dragon.
Hello Im a fox box,
how are you?
Im fine.
You waht to live with me?
Yes,what is it?
It's my friends elephant and cat.

среда, 13 января 2016 г.


1.There are some tomatoes in the picture?
2.There are any jam in the picture?
3.There are some soap in the pisture?
4.There is any lemonade in the picture?
5.There is some cheas in the picture?
6.There are some cobblestones in the picture?
7.There are some fruits in the picture?
8.There is any milk in the picture?
9.There are some donuts in the picture?
10.There are any juise in the picture?