понедельник, 19 сентября 2016 г.

why do i need English?

Hello my name is Dima im ten years I want to tell you about why do I need English.Reason number  one.-.I want to look some movies in English.Reason number two.-
I want big business in the USA to have so much money and have big house with guardians.Reason number three.-I want  show to world dark side of the USA.Reason number four.-I want to travel in the Europe.It`s my reasons why do i need English,I love English!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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понедельник, 12 сентября 2016 г.

personal letter 1

Hello my name is Dima im ten years old.I will tell you about summer.My summer was hot because im flew to the Nice,Sochi and Rostov.I like to the most Nice because we buy big house.In the house pool,kitchen,two livin rooms,five bedrooms,six bathrooms,four flours and football lawn.We rode to the aquapark but its FAIL. We rode to the castle.
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вторник, 6 сентября 2016 г.

my summer holidays

dear Semen,

How are you?Sorry for not writing for so long.Im doing my home task.I wanted to drop you a quick line to tell you about my sunny holidays.In the august im went to the Nice with my brother and my mother and father.We took a car and rode to the hills.We took a villa.In the villa we had a pool three bathroom